Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Slacker Returns

After being chastised for the hundredth time for not posting any photos, here goes nothing. I am not very good at keeping up to date on my blog anymore. It seems like now that I have 2 children I have no time to do anything anymore. When one is sleeping, the other one is always awake, or hungry, or crying/whining. I guess that is the life of a mother though. Even still I LOVE IT!!! There is nothing that I love better than being a wife and mother. Sure I get tired, cranky, and moody, but who doesn't, right? There is just such a sense of love and accomplishment after a long day when your kids are happy and healthy. It is the best feeling when your little ones put their arms around you and say "I love you mom". That always brings a smile to my face, and a tear of absolute joy to my eyes. I just do not have a clue how women have more than 2 children! Props goes out to all of you who either have 2+ kids, or who are evn thinking about it. I admire each of you more than words can say.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

He's finally HERE!!!!

Well, I did it! I did not think it was possible, but I did. I was so nervous the entire night before, and the morning of, but all went well. He came into this world at 6 pounds 9 ounces, and 19.5 inches long. He hardly even cried! In fact I kept asking the doctor if he was ok, because he did not cry like Dylan did when he was born. Dylan was 7 pounds 12 ounces when he was born, and so it was a little easier this time around. I went into the hospital at 1pm on October 13th, and they started the pit at 3:30pm, and Caden David Watts was born at 7:41pm that same day! I was amazed! 4 ours and 11 minutes was all it took! I was in labor with Dylan for 11.5 hours before he was born, and so I guess you can see why I had nerves. Not to mention the fact that I was about to have 2 children instead of 1 now. I now have a newfound admiration for my mom. She had 8 of us, and I have NO idea how she did it. It amazes me that's for sure.
Dylan is such a great big brother. He loves Caden, but can only take so much of him at a time. He likes to hold himn, but we have to be there to help, because when he is done, he is done, and would drop him like a rock! Are all older 1st time siblings like this? I will have to post pictures later when I have more time, but do not fear. They are on their way soon!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

SOON isn't soon enough sometimes!

Well, the decision has been made everyone. If Caden David Watts does not decide to grace us with his presence before Monday, I will go in to be induced Monday October 13th at 1pm. I am excited and scared at the same time, but know that everything will be ok. I am delivering at the same hospital I worked at for a year, and so I know a lot of the people already, and so that is nice. I hope that everything is going well for everyone out there in Blogger Land. Have a great day and week, and stay tuned for further updates and photos soon to come.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Coming to the Watts' Home Soon

Well, time is getting short, and the nerves are starting to go haywire here. I am set to be induced on Thursday, but my doctor does not think I will make it that far. I hope not anyway. I am ready, and have been getting ready for a while now. I am excited and scared at the same time. I remember what it was like to have a newborn, but I already don't get any sleep, and I already have pain, and so I don't think that will be a problem. It's the having 2 kids part that worries me. One has been hard enough! My mom is set to come in on the 11th of October, and so I am so Excited for her to be here. It is so crazy to me how women can do this over and over again. I can't do this again, or I am afraid I will go nuts.
I am watching the BYU?USU game now, and at half it was 24/0 BYU. This may be another shut-out game ! They said that the last 2 games BYU has scored 127 points, and the opposing teams have scored NOTHING!!!! That is so cool! Mendenhall is doing a fabulous job don't you think?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Family Time

My younger sister was in town a couple of weeks ago from Chicago. We had so much fun together. It had been about 6 1/2 months since we had been together at Christmas time in Alabama. My mom was here as well, and so the four of us girl had a blast! It was so fun just having some girl time. One night we went up to Bridle Veil Falls and had a picnic together as a family, and she took some photos of us. Here are just a couple of the ones she really liked. Dylan did not cooperate very well, and so therefore we did not get as many as we would have hoped for. They are pretty cute though.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Much needed breaks

We had the best weekend ever I think. My parents, and my 2 sisters and their husbands got Greg and I a night away. We went to a little Bed and Breakfast in Provo called the Hines Mansion. It was really nice. We stayed in the room called the Seaside Retreat, and over the door it said Captain's Quarters. It was a small room, but in the bathroom it had a huge jacuzzi tub. It was nice. We went out to dinner at the Macaroni Grill, and then back to the B&B for some much needed R&R. It was so strange not having to worry about anything, and my mom is here from Alabama so she stayed with Dylan while we were away. It was so hard for me to find much more to talk about than Dylan and work, but somehow we managed, and I know that this weekend brought us closer together as a couple. They served us a hot breakfast this morning, and there were 3 other couples who ate with us. One was on their honeymoon, but they were like in their late sixties or so. They were so cute, and said that between the two of them they had 15 children, and I don't know how many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, but it was a lot. Another was also on their honeymoon, but they were a lot younger than the first. They were so cute though putting jam on eachother's muffins and such. I remember my honeymoon, and how oblivious I was to everything else around me. Being married, and having kids changes you a lot, and I am happy that they have so much to look forward to. The last was on their 1 year anniversary. They were cute, but almost too polite if you know what I mean. It made me laugh. Then there was Greg and I just there for a break from real life.
I am so thankful for family, and the love that we can all share. My family did this for my birthday next month, but I tell you it couldn't have come at a better time. I guess they figured we hadn't been away together by ourselves since Dylan was born, and he is almost 2 1/2 now. And then now with newbie coming it will probably be a long time again before we can go out together like this. So, to my family we send many thanks for the best weekend you could have ever given us.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

July 4th Weekend

We had a very relaxing weekend for Independence Day. We did not do a whole lot, but that is what made it so nice. Greg did work for a little while that day, but it turned out to be a good thing. He came home early, and we had lunch together, which NEVER happens on a weekday, and then we just hung around the house for a couple of hours. I went over and visited one of my good friends in the ward who had a baby boy on May 16th. He is so cute! I hunbg out there for a while and let the kids play. They had house guests at that time, and I have to hand it to them. I could not have done it. I would have gone crazy! Sorry, for those of you who do not know what I am talking about, but that is a entire story all in itself. Well, needless to say she needed a break, and so about 9pm on the 4th she and her family came over to play with fireworks for a while. My in-laws came over as well. It was so fun to watch the kids and see them jump when they were loud. The kids also got a real kick out of the sparklers. It was fun just to see their expressions of awe and amazement. They stayed for about an hour, and then it was off to bed! It was a great time with friends and family. I wanted my sister and her family to also come over, but they ended up with tickets to the Stadium of Fire. They said it was pretty good, but we missed them anyway. Coy, their daughter really loved the Hannah Montana part of it, and so I think it was worth it to have gone. I don't think that is something I would like to do though. The rest of the weekend was pretty uneventful and nice. I love it when Greg gets 2 days off in a row, and we get to spend some real time together as a family.

More Later

I know it has been a long time since Ihave updates, and a lot has been happening. First things first though. At the end of June I attende a Relief Society retreat with a good friend of mine in a differebt stake than I am in up at Jolleys Ranch. It was so awesome! I really had a great time, and I felt the sprit too. Some of the speakers I heard were: President Ridges who talked on the Millineum, and Bryce Neubert and his wife talked about their lives together, and Bryce sang a few songfs, and it was just so neat. I had never heard him in person before. We also did a few crafty things, and attende ad class called Fishing for Fun with Preschoolers. That was a fun class, and we got some cute ideas of things tro do with small children. It was just a nice break for me away from the boys. It was the first time I had EVER left Dylan overnight. At first it was hard, and I found myself constantly wondering how he was, and how dad was handling it without me. I had NOTHING to worry about though. They had fun at Grandma's house, and went out to breakfast the next morning. They had a great time together. I think I should do things like that more often. It made me feel kind of sad the next day when I got home though. Dylan was at his Grandma's house playing with some of the younger cousins on the Watts' side, and when I went to go tell him I was there, he could have cared less if I was there or not. I guess in hindesight it was a good thing, but hey after a night away from my baby, I just wanted him to show he was at least glad to see me. I know he was in his own way, and so that is ok.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

This is a Test of the Watts Broadcasting System

So, this weekend I am going to leave Greg and Dylan ALONE for the first time overnight! I am so excited, but a little apprehensive about what will actually take place. I guess I just hope my in-laws don't end up with him all weekend. I am going to a Relief Society retreat with my friend's ward up in Hobble Creek Canyon on Friday night and Saturday morning. I have NEVER been away from Dylan for that long, EVER!!! I know I am going to miss him so much, but I also know that he and his dad will have a great time together. Then on Saturday night our ward has a BBQ up the canyon as well, and so this is going to be a long weekend for us. I just hope my tired and pregnant body can and will keep up. That's why this is a test of the WBS.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I know I have not updated my blog in a while, but things have just been lazy around here. The heat I am sad to say is already taking a toll on my pregnant body, and there is not much I can do for relief it seems. We have been playing around the house with the swamp cooler running non-stop, and playing with friends who have air conditioning, with the occassional swin party mixed in. Dylan has been having a fun summer so far, and we just have more planned that is coming up.
Springville Art City Days was last week, and the fireworks was this last Saturday. Poor Dylan was a little hesitant at first about them, but warmed up quickly and enjoyed himself. It was so cute, because he had to have a hand on Daddy at ALL times just for a little reasurrance I think. We just sat on our neighbors lawn and watched. We had a great time, although I think last year was better. The same can be said for the carnival. They have a lot of downtown torn up fpr the "new and improved" city buildings that they don't even need, but hey they gotta spend their money on something, right? In my opinion there are a lot better ways they can do that, but I am just a little person in the world, and apparently my vote doesn't count for much around here.
We are staying kind of busy with work. We have had our ups and downs, but the Lord always seems to make a way for us to stay afloat. ZFor that we are very thankfully blessed.
Max is dumb as ever. He's our dog. We had to end up getting him a bark collar, because he was driving us all nuts. OUr neighbors were even starting to complain. I can tolerate him a lot better now, and since I seem to pretty much be over my sickness, I can go out and pet him without having the smell make me nausious. I will post pictures soon. I hope this summer brings you all kinds of happiness. Try not to let gas prices discourage you too much. It could be worse I suppose.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Too Much Testosterone!!

If you couldn't guess from the title of this blog, we are having another boy! We are so totally excited for this! I mean, we are already set up fpr a boy, and so what more can you ask for, right? Even the seasons are going to be pretty much the same, and if I need help? Well, My sister had a little boy in September, and so I am set for life! Well, maybe not that long, but close enough. I had thought that I wanted a girl, but hey , now Dylan will have a playmate, and someone to torture. LOL I will be posting the ultrasound pictures soon, so don't worry you will be able to see our little alien shortly! Thanks to everyone for your love and support.

Friday, May 23, 2008


I find myself pondering at times on the whole idea of giving birth again, and you know what? I don't want to have the same experience as before. Childbirth is a miraculous and wonderful gift that our Father in Heaven has given us, and I count myself very blessed to be able to do this small thing for Him after all He has given to me. When I had Dylan I was so doped up on things that I hardly remember my own family coming to visit that night. I know there are so many options out there for us to utilize, but I just do not know what they all are. I also find myself being terrified at the fact that in a very short 20 weeks or so I will have 2 children, and not just one. How do other women do it, and make it look so easy? I guess I will find out soon enough. I supposew if I mom had eight, and Greg's mom had four, we can handle two just fine.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Almost halfway there!

Ok all of you fellow bloggers. I have a serious chore for you. What I would like for each of youto do, is to guess what color of baby I am going to have in October. By color I mean pink (girl) or blue (boy). I find out in just over two weeks, and I want everyone to have an opportunity to vote. The winner(s) of this little pole will get a humungo hug from me the next time I see you. Everyone is a winner though, so don't be shy!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sick and Tired

I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired! I wish I could just feel better already, and get on with my life again. I had my 17 week appt. yesterday, and all seems to be going great. Well, as far as the doc can tell anyway. He stated that he thinks it will be a girl. He says this because the heart rate was fast. I have my 20 week ultrasound in 3 weeks, and so we will know for sure. I hope it is a girl though. I think it would be fun to have 1 of each, but id t hat is not in the card for me? Well, that would be just fine with me. It is so fun to know that I am having another child. I am starting to be able to feel the little thing move a little, and that makes me happy. I am still getting those stupid headaches, but the doc says they should get better the further along I get. I just hope he is right. As my Grandpa always says "We will see what we shall see when we see what we shall see".

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I just discovered the coolest game EVER! It is called Bunko, and what it is, is a dice game. It is a group of 12 women who get together about once a month and play dice. There are 3 dice, and you roll them to get certain numbers, and you try to get a Bunko. It is kinda hard to explain, and so you will need to find a friend of yours who is in a group, and ask to be a sub sometime. That is what I did,m and I had so much fun. I hope to be able to sub a lot more often now that I know how to play the game. I did actually pretty good for my first time. I think I even did better than my friend who took me in the first place. Sorry Randa, but you still love me, right?? :0) So, many thanks to Randa, and helping me have a great time lastnight playing the game of BUNKO!!!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008


Why does it have to be so hard to be a pregnant mom? I am 15 weeks pregnant, and aready I want to be done. It seems like it is one thing right after the other for me. First it was the being sick all the time, then the aches and pains, and now I have had a headache for 5 days, and it still won't go away. I am finding that I am so frustrated with everything that it is hard for me to keep my cool with Dylan a lot of the times. I find myself yelling at him for no reason at times, and it is NOT his fault at all! I just don't understand. I feel like crying half the time, and screaming the other half, and I have no in between when I just want to laugh and have fun with my family. Maybe I should be on a happy pill or something, or maybe I just need a break from reality, even if it is for only a short time. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I love reading all of your blogs, because it helps me see into the lives of others, and see how they deal with day to day life. Why can't I be more relaxed like so and so, or is it really bad as all that? The answer most of the time, is because I am NOT so and so, and life is pretty good most of the time. I guess it is all in how you look at it, right? I am just me, and I can only do what I can do. I guess I just need to have more faith that everything is going to be alright. I just worry that maybe because I am haveing such a hard time, that my stress and things is really going to not only hurt the baby, but my family too. I am at a losd, and can use any advice you can give.

Monday, April 7, 2008


I just thought up that word. It is Winter and Spring combined. Why? You may ask. Well, the answer to that is quite clear to anyone who lives in Utah. IT SNOWED TODAY!!! Seriously, what is up with this weather? I don't know, but jokes on us, huh? It is quite cold today, but I am glad to say our heater works great! I had another Doc's appointment today. It went well. He said the heartbeat was about 150 beats/minute, and said that is in the range for a girl. We will see in about 7 weeks or so. I would love to have a little girl that I can dress up and put little ribbons in her hair, but if it happens to be another boy we won't cry over it. I think this is our last child though. I get so sick, I can't do this again with 2 kids. Anyway, we just want he/she to be healthy.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Daddy and Dylan

I had to share this one. Lastnight we went to The Pizza Factory with Greg's parents for dinner, and Dylan loved it. He had to of course sit on the bench between Gamma and Gampa, and then halfway through dinner swith sides to sit by dady and mommy. He was so cute though. After dinner he wanted to go to Gampa's house, and so dad stayed home, and we went. After only about 30 minutes Dylan wanted to come home and see daddy. I love the times when he wants his dad, because he has ALWAYS been such a mommy's boy. He loves to play with Greg. We were in the front room, and he went running down the hall squealing. Greg of course went and hid, and then when Dylan came back down the hall, Greg jumped out and growled a huge growl. ZIt scared Dylan so much! I thought he was going to scream and cry, but the opposit happened. He went running back down the hall with Greg on his heels just laughing so hard! I swear sometimes I don't know how he can stay standing when he is laughing that hard. He has this belly laugh hat is just totally contagious, and we love it! Being a mom is the best thing I have ever done. Well, besides marrying the love of my life of course.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

April is here!

Can you believe that it is Conference time again already?!? Time is going by so fst it is kind of scary at times. Dylan continues to amaze me with new words and sayings. Anymore when I am sick and in the bathroom, he will tell daddy "Mommy sick", and then a lot of times he will come in with me, and pat me on the back, and ask me "You ok"? Times like that, when they are so sweet, and are all concerened kind of make up for the times when they are screaming, and throwing a tantrum. We are thankful that the weather is changing for the batter. Well, maybe not this week. We are scheduled for rain, rain, and mmore rain, but we will see. Warmer nicer weather is what this doctor is ordering. Then it is OUTSIDE!!!!!! I can hardly wait. I guess I should stop witht he getting sick though first.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Funny Sayings 2

I had to share this, because it was just so cute! The other night I wasn't feeling well, and I was lying on the couch. I was calling for Greg to help me with Dylan, and so I yelled "Greg!" Then before I could get another word out, Dylan yelled "Geg!" "Geg!" Then he said "I getim" Then he went running all around the house yelling "Geg, where r you? "Geg, where r you?" It was so cute I was just laughing so hard. I was on the phone with my mom at the time, and she was laughing too, and thought it was really cute. This picture was taken last year, but I will get an updated one posted soon.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Funny sayings the little one says

I was just reading my cousins blog about what her little girl says, and I had to share this with all of you. The other night Greg taught our 2 year old, Dylan, a new phrase. Greg asked Dylan if his mommy is sexy, and so now Dylan says "You sexy Mommy"!! AHHHHHHHHH! It makes me laugh of course, but I just hope he doesn't decide to say that somewhere public, say like Sacrament Meeting. Another fun one he says is HUH? and Yeahsure. Then finally he says kay? after almost everything he says. I had no idea where he got that one from until my sister told me I say that a lot too. It's funny how you don't realize how much you say something until your own kids start saying them too.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Peanut Gallery

Well, I had my ultrasound today, and I really am pregnant. I just am not as pregnant as I thought. I am only 11 weeks instead of the 12 I was thinking. Isn't my little peanut cute? Too bad that I am not further along than 11 weeks. Look at that leg shot! It would have been the PERFECT opportunity to see what peanut is going to be. Oh well, at least I know he/she is alive and kicking in there, even though I can't feel it yet!
We just went over to a friend's house, and her liuttle bot is 61/2 months old. He has Down Syndrome, but is the cutest thing ever! He was sitting in his Bumbo, and Dylan was playing with him. As Wesley would drop his toy, Dylan would pick it up and say "here go". I was so proud. He is going to be a great big brother, but I guess all the cards are down when the baby actually STAYS! I think it will be great fun though.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Week 12

As my pregnancy progresses, and I see a hopeful end in sight to all of my sickness, I am greatful for the opportunity I have to have another child. I am I think in week 12 now, but have an ultrasound tomorrow to find out for sure when this baby will be born. At least I hope to get a better idea. With a toddler running around the house in circles, and me trying to keep the house in order, I find I have very little time for much else. Time just seems to keep on going though, somehow.
We are doing well here in Utah, and are loving the changing warming weather. It will be nice to be able to be outdoors once again, and to enjoy the beauty of the Earth. I am always amazed at how much better I feel when the sun is out and the air is warm, and I can feel the warmth of the sun on my face. Isn't being outside the most wonderful? Sometimes I wish our weather was more like California's, then we could be outside most of the year, and I would just love it!
I will post another blog in the next day or so, and let everyone know what happened at the ultrasound. I just hope it isn't too far off from what I am thinking.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Spring? What's that?

This is the time of year when I am thankful to be alive. The grass, well, you can at least see it. The trees are starting to bud new leaves, and the air has a touch of real warmth. But the thing I am most greatful for is that our dog Max can FINALLY live outside all the time!!! What a relief! Still we will have our ups and downs, but isn't this time of year the best! Walks, parks, picnics, and playing outside with friends and family at BBQ's. Not to mention my morning sickness is finally coming to an end I hope. But wherever you are in the world we pray that you find only t he best this year.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Whoever called it Morning sickness was on crack!

Morning sickness? Yeah more like all day sickness. Oh well, I guess that's what I get for getting knocked up again right? J/K I am starting to feel batter, and I can actually eat again. Sometimes it is more like choke it down, but atleast it is down and staying there, right? My doctor is not quite sure of my due date, and so he has ordered an ultra-sound for me on the 26th to find out a more accuraste EDD. I am stoked for it. It is still way too early to find out what the sex is, but that will come soon enough. It is just the same old same old here. The dog is a pain sometimes, but whatever. Greg is working hard, and since I have been so sick I have been hardly working. I had my first doc appt. last week, and found that since I started in with the sickies in about 3 weeks I lost 10 pounds. Hopefully that will stop now that I can eat food. Dylan is a little monster, and is growing like a weed. He is just so fun, and he keeps us laughing. The cutest thing he started doing this week, was whenever we say something he likes, he will say "Oh, Cool". My Mother-in-Law roared with laughter the first time she heard him say that. He keeps us on our toes though too. I guess you can imagine why naptime is one of my most favorite times of the day.
Happy March Madness to all.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

UGH! The Morning Sickness hits HARD!!!!

Well, we are into month 3 now, and the sickness doesn't seem to ever end. Who would have thought that having a 2 year old and being pregnant was a good idea? Let me know, and I will give them a piece of my mind. Whoever that was never had to go to the ER for rehydration I bet. Dylan is doing well after getting PE Tubes put in his ears yesterday. His Uncle Rick was there to take him back and help him (and mom) not be so anxious. I worked in the OR for a year, and so I knew excactly what was going to happen, but that all goes down the drain when it is your own kid.
I ended up quitting my job last week. I found myself calling in sick more than I was working, and so Greg and I thought it would be best. If I end up wanting to go back after the baby is born I will, but for now it was the best decision.
The dog is well being a dog I guess. He is so full of energy, but with me being so sick I can hardly keep up. I swear having a dog is just like having another kid. They are so cute, but so demanding at times too.
I guewss that is all of our news for now. Have a great day.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

2 turned to 3, now 3 turns to 4

Just a little note to let everyone know that Dylan Gregory Watts is going to become a big brother sometime at the beginning of October! We are so excited, and hopeful that all goes well. We are doing very well here in Springville, and I am thankful to be able to call this home.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Watts Up

Hey everyone! This is my first attempt at the blogging world, and I hope this finds everyone doing well. This has been a fun and eventful last year. We boiught a house in Springville, Utah, and we welcomed a new nephew into the family. Dylan is growing like a weed, and turned 2 last week on January 31st. We also welcomed a new addition to our family on January 4, 2008. His name is Max, and he is a cute Basset Hound. He is fun, but it is just like having another child. I guess it is good practice for whenever we have another one. Please send me your blod addresses so we can keep in touch. We love you all.
Greg, Amber, and Dylan Watts