Saturday, April 5, 2008

April is here!

Can you believe that it is Conference time again already?!? Time is going by so fst it is kind of scary at times. Dylan continues to amaze me with new words and sayings. Anymore when I am sick and in the bathroom, he will tell daddy "Mommy sick", and then a lot of times he will come in with me, and pat me on the back, and ask me "You ok"? Times like that, when they are so sweet, and are all concerened kind of make up for the times when they are screaming, and throwing a tantrum. We are thankful that the weather is changing for the batter. Well, maybe not this week. We are scheduled for rain, rain, and mmore rain, but we will see. Warmer nicer weather is what this doctor is ordering. Then it is OUTSIDE!!!!!! I can hardly wait. I guess I should stop witht he getting sick though first.

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