Sunday, April 6, 2008

Daddy and Dylan

I had to share this one. Lastnight we went to The Pizza Factory with Greg's parents for dinner, and Dylan loved it. He had to of course sit on the bench between Gamma and Gampa, and then halfway through dinner swith sides to sit by dady and mommy. He was so cute though. After dinner he wanted to go to Gampa's house, and so dad stayed home, and we went. After only about 30 minutes Dylan wanted to come home and see daddy. I love the times when he wants his dad, because he has ALWAYS been such a mommy's boy. He loves to play with Greg. We were in the front room, and he went running down the hall squealing. Greg of course went and hid, and then when Dylan came back down the hall, Greg jumped out and growled a huge growl. ZIt scared Dylan so much! I thought he was going to scream and cry, but the opposit happened. He went running back down the hall with Greg on his heels just laughing so hard! I swear sometimes I don't know how he can stay standing when he is laughing that hard. He has this belly laugh hat is just totally contagious, and we love it! Being a mom is the best thing I have ever done. Well, besides marrying the love of my life of course.

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