Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I know I have not updated my blog in a while, but things have just been lazy around here. The heat I am sad to say is already taking a toll on my pregnant body, and there is not much I can do for relief it seems. We have been playing around the house with the swamp cooler running non-stop, and playing with friends who have air conditioning, with the occassional swin party mixed in. Dylan has been having a fun summer so far, and we just have more planned that is coming up.
Springville Art City Days was last week, and the fireworks was this last Saturday. Poor Dylan was a little hesitant at first about them, but warmed up quickly and enjoyed himself. It was so cute, because he had to have a hand on Daddy at ALL times just for a little reasurrance I think. We just sat on our neighbors lawn and watched. We had a great time, although I think last year was better. The same can be said for the carnival. They have a lot of downtown torn up fpr the "new and improved" city buildings that they don't even need, but hey they gotta spend their money on something, right? In my opinion there are a lot better ways they can do that, but I am just a little person in the world, and apparently my vote doesn't count for much around here.
We are staying kind of busy with work. We have had our ups and downs, but the Lord always seems to make a way for us to stay afloat. ZFor that we are very thankfully blessed.
Max is dumb as ever. He's our dog. We had to end up getting him a bark collar, because he was driving us all nuts. OUr neighbors were even starting to complain. I can tolerate him a lot better now, and since I seem to pretty much be over my sickness, I can go out and pet him without having the smell make me nausious. I will post pictures soon. I hope this summer brings you all kinds of happiness. Try not to let gas prices discourage you too much. It could be worse I suppose.


Brooke Williams said...

Amber, I'm glad you posted...we were wondering how you are doing. And I have to tell you that I laughed out loud when I saw your comment about Max being dumb. All of the sudden our dog has decided to be a barker too and it drives us INSANE. Waking us up in the middle of the night...I don't get it. How's the collar doing though? Well, have fun and keep cool--and post when you can, it's fun to read!

Amber and Greg said...

The shock collar thing works GREAT!!!!!! Maqx hardly ever barks anymore, and we give him a break from it for several hour everyday, and he still doesn't bark when it is off. I love it!