Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sick and Tired

I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired! I wish I could just feel better already, and get on with my life again. I had my 17 week appt. yesterday, and all seems to be going great. Well, as far as the doc can tell anyway. He stated that he thinks it will be a girl. He says this because the heart rate was fast. I have my 20 week ultrasound in 3 weeks, and so we will know for sure. I hope it is a girl though. I think it would be fun to have 1 of each, but id t hat is not in the card for me? Well, that would be just fine with me. It is so fun to know that I am having another child. I am starting to be able to feel the little thing move a little, and that makes me happy. I am still getting those stupid headaches, but the doc says they should get better the further along I get. I just hope he is right. As my Grandpa always says "We will see what we shall see when we see what we shall see".

1 comment:

Rian Krommenhoek said...

Thank goodness we are humans and not elephants. They are pregnant for 18 months. Hope the headaches trail off soon.