Tuesday, March 4, 2008

UGH! The Morning Sickness hits HARD!!!!

Well, we are into month 3 now, and the sickness doesn't seem to ever end. Who would have thought that having a 2 year old and being pregnant was a good idea? Let me know, and I will give them a piece of my mind. Whoever that was never had to go to the ER for rehydration I bet. Dylan is doing well after getting PE Tubes put in his ears yesterday. His Uncle Rick was there to take him back and help him (and mom) not be so anxious. I worked in the OR for a year, and so I knew excactly what was going to happen, but that all goes down the drain when it is your own kid.
I ended up quitting my job last week. I found myself calling in sick more than I was working, and so Greg and I thought it would be best. If I end up wanting to go back after the baby is born I will, but for now it was the best decision.
The dog is well being a dog I guess. He is so full of energy, but with me being so sick I can hardly keep up. I swear having a dog is just like having another kid. They are so cute, but so demanding at times too.
I guewss that is all of our news for now. Have a great day.

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