Saturday, March 15, 2008

Whoever called it Morning sickness was on crack!

Morning sickness? Yeah more like all day sickness. Oh well, I guess that's what I get for getting knocked up again right? J/K I am starting to feel batter, and I can actually eat again. Sometimes it is more like choke it down, but atleast it is down and staying there, right? My doctor is not quite sure of my due date, and so he has ordered an ultra-sound for me on the 26th to find out a more accuraste EDD. I am stoked for it. It is still way too early to find out what the sex is, but that will come soon enough. It is just the same old same old here. The dog is a pain sometimes, but whatever. Greg is working hard, and since I have been so sick I have been hardly working. I had my first doc appt. last week, and found that since I started in with the sickies in about 3 weeks I lost 10 pounds. Hopefully that will stop now that I can eat food. Dylan is a little monster, and is growing like a weed. He is just so fun, and he keeps us laughing. The cutest thing he started doing this week, was whenever we say something he likes, he will say "Oh, Cool". My Mother-in-Law roared with laughter the first time she heard him say that. He keeps us on our toes though too. I guess you can imagine why naptime is one of my most favorite times of the day.
Happy March Madness to all.

1 comment:

Krista said...

hello! good to hear from you! sounds like you have your hand full too! good luck with all that morning sickness...i had it bad with both of mine...YUCK! hope you start feeling better soon! Ü