Thursday, March 27, 2008

Funny sayings the little one says

I was just reading my cousins blog about what her little girl says, and I had to share this with all of you. The other night Greg taught our 2 year old, Dylan, a new phrase. Greg asked Dylan if his mommy is sexy, and so now Dylan says "You sexy Mommy"!! AHHHHHHHHH! It makes me laugh of course, but I just hope he doesn't decide to say that somewhere public, say like Sacrament Meeting. Another fun one he says is HUH? and Yeahsure. Then finally he says kay? after almost everything he says. I had no idea where he got that one from until my sister told me I say that a lot too. It's funny how you don't realize how much you say something until your own kids start saying them too.


pete'sTree Services said...

that would be hilarious if dylan said you were sexy in sacrament meeting. too funny!!

Amber and Greg said...

You're right Peter. It would be funny, like the next week! LOL