Friday, May 23, 2008


I find myself pondering at times on the whole idea of giving birth again, and you know what? I don't want to have the same experience as before. Childbirth is a miraculous and wonderful gift that our Father in Heaven has given us, and I count myself very blessed to be able to do this small thing for Him after all He has given to me. When I had Dylan I was so doped up on things that I hardly remember my own family coming to visit that night. I know there are so many options out there for us to utilize, but I just do not know what they all are. I also find myself being terrified at the fact that in a very short 20 weeks or so I will have 2 children, and not just one. How do other women do it, and make it look so easy? I guess I will find out soon enough. I supposew if I mom had eight, and Greg's mom had four, we can handle two just fine.

1 comment:

Ty Lyman said...

Amber you are so right! Educating yourself on what there is will help you on the great and blessed day that Heavenly Father has blessed both you and Greg with. 2 Isn't that bad. If I can do it you can do it. I won't lie it's hard the 1st and second time I thought having two was difficult. It isn't easy, but that's what family and friends are for. The more scheduled your life is and the more you include little man, will make life so much easier having two. Know that Jake and I love you guys and you can do it. Then you'll just need another to make your home full :) j/k.